Wednesday, February 01, 2006


And yes, that is what I did last week. We had a very good time in New York then a very interesting time in South Carolina. This was my first ever time in the US so it was particularly interesting. I really liked New York- with the exception of Newark Airport, of which more in a later post. Like Mary Plain we looked at the Statue of Liberty:

We did it from the Staten Island ferry so my pictures are not that good technically- through dirty glass- but we did it as the sun went down so the skies were amazing. I just loved all the architecture and the detail in the brickwork and want to go back to take lots of pictures (I was there for work with a colleague and didn't feel I could really hang out taking too many pictures as a result). We also went here which is an amazing shop, and I bought this there which was in the Guardian magazine a few weeks back and yet is not available over here, it seems. I could have bought it mail order/online but it felt v cool to find a stockist in NY and get it while I was there.. (it also saved $11 postage!) .. very global-local though I do acknowledge the pollution factor of flying and would not have flown there just for the Teasticks!

Such a cute book!! I too went on that boat trip when I went to NYC.
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