Monday, November 21, 2005

It was okay!
Well, although it has taken me a long while to post, I really enjoyed last Wednesday in the end and even the Motorcyclist has been nice about what I said and how I did it, even though for probably the first time in 31 years he had to listen to me for an hour without being able to interrupt or reply. The day itself was great as I had four lots of flowers and some helium balloons arrive from friends, look (these are just some of the flowers):

And loads of my nice research friends either came or sent me lovely cards and messages. Our IT guys are getting v excited about doing the lecture as a media stream (they have robbed their AV budget to buy the needed server) so quite soon I should be able to make a link for you to see if you want. Then you can judge for yourselves if it was any good. I watched a test bit today and it was v strange watching myself teach!

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