Monday, October 24, 2005

I am embarrassed to see how long it is since I blogged. I have been meaning to every day but have been very tired lately and so I just browse a bit on other people's, check out the fuss on Mustardland about the newstyle message boards and play a bit of patience. I was also going to do a very clever blog based on the meme Dr Joolz did (Oct 18th entry) of 10 things you don' t know about me and had a lot of fun planning it all about Mary Plain but somehow the moment passed. I have some time off this week so hope that will inspire me to write something interesting and take some pictures. Meanwhile, I guess it is time to visit Guy's site as I have been to all the others I visit regularly. (I very much like Kate's site but haven't yet been able to think of any sensible or interesting comments to make on it.)

GOsh thanks for the nice messages.
I know what you mean about finding time to blog though.
I get inspired and do something and sometimes I save it for tomorrow in case that is a less inspired day.
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