Monday, August 08, 2005

Magic Monday
Have had a great day. One of the reasons I was p***ed off at ending up on the tarmac on Saturday was that I bruised my right hand and arm, and was worried that this week- which I have carefully saved to do some writing- would be screwed up if I couldn't type. A mixture of Nurofen and alcohol has mended the hand, work is so quiet that I hardly saw a soul all day and I managed a whole day of really happy work.

A great morning reading stuff I have wanted to look at more closely for weeks such as James Gee's book on video games and Jackie Marsh's book on poular culture, media and digital literacies, finding relevant bits for the paper I am revising and using lots of those great sticky Post-It tab things, then some really useful stuff on Mizuko Ito's website and at NESTA Futurelabs, and a lovely draft article that Simply Clare sent me after UKLA.

I even managed to get a draft started. Which is quite a relief because at one point today I thought that I was using all the reading as displacement activity and might not make myself start writing. After weeks of wanting to get to this paper and having to do other stuff it is quite scary finally having the space to write and then always such a relief when I find I am getting excited by the topic again. Watch this space this week to see if Magic Monday is followed by Thoughtful Tuesday and Writing Wednesday etc.

Wonderful to get the time to really read. Lovely lovely lovely
yes, absolutely great!
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